EICR London

Welcome to our premier EICR service in London! Our expert team of certified electricians ensures the safety and compliance of your property’s electrical installations. With meticulous inspections and detailed reports, we identify any potential hazards or issues, providing you with peace of mind and ensuring regulatory compliance. As a responsible property owner or landlord, safeguarding the electrical safety of your property is paramount, and our EICR service is tailored to meet your needs. Trust us to deliver reliable and efficient EICR inspections in London, keeping your property safe and your tenants protected. Book Your Inspection Today!


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Our Coverage Areas:

We provide EICR to landlords, house sellers, home buyers, and estate agents in all Boroughs of London, M25 Areas, Grays, and Stanford-le-Hope.

Our Pricing:

EICR London Cost is fixed and all-inclusive there is no tax to add. Congestion, ULEZ and Parking will be charged for the Central London.

EICR London


1-3 Bedrooms 


1 Fuseboard

London and M25 Areas

With Other Certificates

Electrical Safety Certificate for more than 3 Bedrooms OR with Other Safety Certificates

London and M25 Areas

Importance of EICR in London

Why is EICR so crucial for ensuring electrical safety in London?

As providers of EICR services in London, we understand the importance of maintaining the safety of your property. An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR), also known as a landlord electrical certificate, is essential for upholding the safety standards of your property.

This certificate verifies that all electrical installations meet the necessary safety requirements, ensuring the well-being of occupants and protecting against potential hazards.

Ensuring your property has a valid EICR isn’t only crucial for the safety of those living or working in the building but also for compliance with regulations. Landlords in London are legally required to obtain this certificate, and it’s often a condition for property insurance.

In the unfortunate event of an electrical incident, having a valid EICR can be instrumental in proving that necessary safety measures were in place, potentially affecting insurance claims and liability.

Frequency of EICR Inspections

Regular inspections are essential for ensuring the ongoing safety of electrical installations in London. To guarantee the safety of your tenants, it’s crucial to carry out an EICR inspection periodically. In London, EICR testing is a fundamental aspect of electrical testing, especially for landlords who are required to conduct landlord EICR checks to meet legal obligations. These periodic tests are vital for identifying any potential electrical issues and ensuring the safety of the property occupants.

The frequency of EICR inspections varies depending on the type of property and its intended use. For rental properties, landlords are typically required to carry out an EICR inspection at least every five years, or more frequently if recommended by the previous inspection report. Commercial properties may require more frequent inspections due to the higher electrical load and usage. By staying up to date with EICR inspections, property owners can uphold the safety standards required by law and provide a secure environment for their tenants.

EICR Process Explained

Explaining the EICR process involves outlining the step-by-step assessment conducted to evaluate the electrical safety of a property in London. An EICR, or Electrical Installation Condition Report, is a comprehensive inspection of the electrical installations within a property. The purpose of this periodic inspection report is to identify any potential electrical hazards and ensure compliance with safety standards. In London, it’s recommended that a regular EICR test should be carried out to guarantee the safety of the property and its occupants.

During the EICR process, a qualified electrician will assess the condition of the electrical installations, looking for any signs of wear and tear, damage, or non-compliance with regulations. The inspection involves checking the wiring, sockets, switches, light fittings, consumer units, and any other electrical components present in the property. Any issues or areas of concern discovered during the inspection will be documented in the EICR report, along with recommendations for necessary repairs or improvements. Conducting regular EICR tests is crucial in maintaining the safety and integrity of electrical systems in properties throughout London.

EICR Regulations in London

Understanding the EICR regulations in London is essential for property owners and landlords to ensure compliance with electrical safety standards. When it comes to the electrical safety of your property, here are three key points to keep in mind:

  1. Arrange an EICR: It’s crucial for property owners, especially those with rental properties, to arrange for an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) to be conducted at regular intervals as mandated by the regulations in London.
  2. Inspection and Testing: The EICR involves thorough inspection and testing of the electrical installations in your property to identify any potential hazards or non-compliance issues with safety standards.
  3. Copy of the EICR: Upon completion of the EICR, ensure that you receive a copy of the report. This document is vital for demonstrating that your property meets the necessary electrical safety requirements as per the EICR regulations in London.

Benefits of EICR Certification

Arranging for an EICR certification provides property owners and landlords with invaluable peace of mind regarding the electrical safety of their premises. An EICR is the best way to ensure the safety and compliance of electrical installations in a building, particularly in London where regulations are stringent. Given the critical role of a property’s electrical systems in ensuring the safety of occupants and the building itself, having an EICR every 5 years isn’t just a recommendation but a necessity.

For commercial electrical settings, the importance of EICR certification can’t be overstated. Due to electrical faults being one of the main causes of fires in commercial properties, having an up-to-date EICR is crucial for identifying and rectifying any potential hazards. By conducting regular EICRs, property owners can proactively address any issues, ensure the safety of occupants, and comply with legal requirements, ultimately safeguarding their property and reputation.

Finding Qualified EICR Electricians

When seeking qualified EICR electricians, it’s essential to prioritize expertise and accreditation to ensure a thorough and reliable inspection. To find the right professional for the job, consider the following:

  1. Check for Accreditation: Look for electricians who are registered with relevant bodies such as NICEIC, ELECSA, or NAPIT to guarantee their competence in conducting EICRs.
  2. Assess Experience: Prioritize electricians with ample experience in carrying out EICRs, as they’re likely to identify potential issues more effectively.
  3. Request References: Ask for references or reviews from previous clients to gauge the electrician’s reliability and the quality of their EICR reports.

It is recommended that an EICR is conducted every five years, depending on the size of your property. As a property owner in London, having an EICR in place can’t only ensure compliance with regulations but also significantly reduce the risk of electrical fires.

Cost of EICR in London

In London, the cost of an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) can vary depending on the size and complexity of the property. The cost of an EICR in London typically ranges from £130 for a standard-sized property. Larger or more complex properties may incur higher costs due to the additional time and resources required to inspect the property’s electrical systems thoroughly.

It’s essential that an EICR be carried out by a qualified and registered electrician to ensure that your property meets safety standards and regulations. The EICR report or certificate you receive after the inspection ensures that your property’s electrical installations are safe and in good condition. Investing in an EICR is crucial as it can help identify potential hazards that could lead to serious safety issues in the event of an electrical fault.

Regular EICRs are recommended to maintain the safety and integrity of your property’s electrical systems.

Understanding EICR Reports

Understanding the contents of an EICR report is essential for property owners to ensure the safety and compliance of their electrical installations. When reviewing EICR reports in London, it’s crucial to pay attention to the details regarding the property’s electrical systems.

The report typically includes information on dead testing, which assesses the safety of the electrical circuits without power. Additionally, details about the condition of electrical appliances and any recommendations for improvements or repairs are usually outlined.

Here are three key points to focus on when reading an EICR report:

  1. Dead Testing: Check for results of dead testing to ensure the safety of the electrical circuits.
  2. Electrical Appliances: Review the assessment of electrical appliances to identify any potential hazards.
  3. Certificate: Look for details on the EICR certificate, confirming the inspection and testing of the property’s electrical installations.

EICR for Landlords in London

To ensure compliance with electrical safety regulations in London, landlords must prioritize obtaining an EICR for their properties. As a landlord in London, it’s crucial to have a thorough inspection of your property’s electrical systems. By getting an EICR, you not only ensure the safety of your tenants but also protect your investment. This certificate proves that the installations within your property meet the required safety standards.

Across London and surrounding areas, EICRs are becoming mandatory for rental properties. As a responsible landlord, it’s your duty to schedule regular checks to maintain the safety of your tenants. Additionally, having an up-to-date EICR can also protect you legally in case of any electrical incidents.

If you’re a landlord in London, don’t delay in getting an EICR for your property. It’s a small investment that can prevent major issues down the line. Remember, the safety of your tenants and your property’s electrical integrity should always be a top priority.


In conclusion, EICR is a crucial aspect of maintaining electrical safety in London properties. By ensuring regular inspections and certification, both landlords and tenants can have peace of mind knowing that their electrical systems are up to standard.

It’s important to prioritize safety and compliance by staying informed about EICR regulations and Contact Us to conduct these inspections. Investing in EICR not only protects against potential hazards but also ensures legal compliance and insurance coverage for property owners. 


We recommend hiring a qualified professional to conduct an EICR inspection in London for accuracy and compliance. It ensures safety and adherence to regulations. We’ve found it best to rely on experts for such important tasks.

If our property fails the EICR inspection, we must promptly address the issues identified. It’s crucial to rectify any electrical hazards to ensure the safety of occupants. Seeking professional assistance is key in resolving non-compliance.

Yes, it is mandatory to have an EICR certificate for new properties. This certificate ensures that the electrical installations meet safety standards. Failure to obtain one can result in legal consequences and risks to occupants’ safety.

An EICR is valid for 5 years or depending on installation condition from the date it was carried out. After this, you will need to get a new report.

After inspection, it typically takes 24-48hours to receive the EICR report. We usually get it promptly so we can address any issues efficiently and ensure the safety and compliance of our building.

The electrician will need to turn off the power in order to carry out some of the tests. However, they will try to minimize the amount of time the power is off for. In most cases, the power will only be off for a few minutes at a time. If you have any concerns about this, feel free to ask the electrician for more information.

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